I was looking through some crap in my closet searching for something totally unrelated to my blog and found a three ring binder. The binder had some stuff I had jotted down so I wouldn't forget .........
The Rare Amylesaurus, BB (Before Blog)
2008, when Sky was 5 -
S - "The problem with this world is that some people just smell bad and they need to take a bath."
I'm glad I got that figured out.
So Sky is eating dinner, she serves me this......
S- If while I was eating this noodle dinner my teeth suddenly came out and I got choked on them and died, would you take my teeth and put them under your pillow and keep the money or would you bury them with me?
A- Gosh Sky, what do you think I would do Babe?........ I would take the teeth and keep the money.
S- (voice cracking) MOMMY!
A- What?!
M - So, Mom, What if I dream that I am a worm with a mustache.....what does that mean?
June 18, 2008 - Cole is 2
Getting squirt with the water hose while weeding the front flower bed.....pretty sneaky...
...especially when your two year old does it without prodding from his older siblings...
I can barely remember how to turn the hose on, with the help of "righty tighty lefty loosey."
It's not like he squirt me a little bit either, he had the hose on full throttle, like putting out a fire.
I squealed in freezing cold, crazed out shock for second, cause I totally didn't see it coming. Cole squealed with sheer delight showing all his thumb suckin, buck teeth....jumping up and down at his ability to accomplish his task.........and well.
Once I regained some sense of clear thinking ability, I thought to myself.......
.....Self, that kid is pretty smart............and sneaky.
July 9, 2008 - Cole is 2....a month later or so
So now I know Cole can cut the water hose on. I am well aware he can carry out a sneak attack with courage and determination.
I am letting him water some baby trees in the backyard. Cole digs a file up in his mind recalling what great fun it was making mommy scream and decides to try it out again.
This time I am smart. He is smiling like a devil and my mommy instincts fill me in on his thought process, and I run away quickly. VICTORY!! Not only that but I run farther down the hose line and crimp him off!
This really aggravates him. He slings the hose down as if he is no longer going to play with me anymore and storms off towards the house.
Fine by me, I can get the watering done quicker if he leaves me alone anyway, dinner still needs to be fixed.
...15 minutes or so later back at the homestead, no lie, 200 feet or more away from me, cause I had some hoses stuck together for distance..........
I suddenly have no water.
I look at the hose following the line towards the house. There standing close to the house is Bucky Beaver(in a diaper and nothing else) with the hose crimped with that same I got ya smile I had given him earlier.
I hollered, "CB! Let Go!!"
He answers in a hilly up and down tone of voice smothered in devilish boyhood, "nnnnnnoooooooo"..........
....not only that, guess what else he can crimp? My central vacuum.
Is he the superior human in this duo?
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