This means that field mice and other varmints are going to run into our garages and outbuildings and any other place they can run to get away from the mowing tractors. D told me to be sure our garage was closed when they mow.
But my best neighbor Sarah left hers open. She has had a number of critters in her garage which prompted a discussion about this "big, black, fuzzy thing" that she saw at 5:00 in the morning in her garage that she had never seen before. She said she kicked it out onto her driveway then later thought to go and snap off a photo but the thing was gone. There were a few more details she gave me and I told her I would look it up to see what I could come up with...... cause my curiosity was at a high.
These are some things I came up with.....
A puss caterpillar, sometimes called "tiny dog" in Mexico...they come in a variety of colors. By the way, if you see one of these, don't touch it. They are extremely poisonous and will give you a sting they claim will bring a grown adult to their knees......

This is one puss caterpillar, not two

A Woolly Bear caterpillar....not really that big and fat though..... I wouldn't think it would be enough to creep one out so as to kick it into the driveway from the garage.......
King David threw in these ideas......moles

Then I came across this.......

I was all, what the heck fire kind of dag gone cater-freakin-pillar in that?! He musta been eaten some leaves from the growth hormone plant waste dump site.
This is surely what Sarah saw........just maybe in black? I would kick this outta my garage everyday of the week at 5:00 in the morning!!
Then I read the photo title and it read "grounded alpaca."
So the running joke right now is the terribly poisonous, killer, man eating "Cater-palcas" or some call them "Alpaca-pillars."
I found 17 more 4 leaf clovers today, so that makes a total of 34 four leaf clovers plus 2 five leaves.
No matter however lucky I am finding all these.....a bird and squirrel were not. They met there doom by way of my car windshield and tires Saturday, we can add these to the laundry list of stuff I have killed by way of my car.
The kids and I had The Lords Supper at church a few weeks ago. It was Sky's first time.
They sang Let Us Break Bread when Ronnie announced we were to sing that song, Z whips his head around to me and says, "what??!!"
I am looking at him like he's a dummy and to shut-up talking so loud, cause he can't half hear, I repeated to him what he was supposed to sing, and relayed to him not to talk so loud. Z starts to laugh and relays back to me he thought they said to sing Let Us Break Wind Together. He is telling me this so loud that the lady sitting near me hears and starts to snicker a bit also.
We visited a friends church today. He is involved in a church plant sort of and they are growing. While D was out of town I thought we'd pop in and see how things are swinging. We had a good time and got to see a few folks we haven't seen in a while, which was super cool. They have outgrown the space they were using and are now using a movie theater to worship in. Which was kind of neat, in a weird way.
As soon as we get out of the car, S & CB think they are going to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs and get super excited. I explain to them the situation, who we are going to see, and fa la la la la la la la la...........
So we are into Reactor Factor (The kids with parents worship session)
The kids and I had The Lords Supper at church a few weeks ago. It was Sky's first time.
They sang Let Us Break Bread when Ronnie announced we were to sing that song, Z whips his head around to me and says, "what??!!"
I am looking at him like he's a dummy and to shut-up talking so loud, cause he can't half hear, I repeated to him what he was supposed to sing, and relayed to him not to talk so loud. Z starts to laugh and relays back to me he thought they said to sing Let Us Break Wind Together. He is telling me this so loud that the lady sitting near me hears and starts to snicker a bit also.
We visited a friends church today. He is involved in a church plant sort of and they are growing. While D was out of town I thought we'd pop in and see how things are swinging. We had a good time and got to see a few folks we haven't seen in a while, which was super cool. They have outgrown the space they were using and are now using a movie theater to worship in. Which was kind of neat, in a weird way.
As soon as we get out of the car, S & CB think they are going to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs and get super excited. I explain to them the situation, who we are going to see, and fa la la la la la la la la...........
So we are into Reactor Factor (The kids with parents worship session)
(had to do the shout out, in case one is curious about a great place to be in Oak Ridge)
So we are into Reactor Factor (The kids with parents worship session) and CB is getting restless and notices a few folks have coffee drinks and McDonald's bags. He promptly tells me he is ready for popcorn now and "Meatballs Moobie."
After church is, we have been in church (albeit in a movie theater, but church), S wants to know if we can just stay and watch the movie.
A- No, we need to get on home, we spent money yesterday.
S- Why? Can't we just stay and hide in the bathroom till everyone leaves then sneak out and go into the movie for free.
A- Sky, that is like stealing
S- Well I didn't say steal anything, I said sneak for petes sake.
A- Sky, we aren't staying, I'll explain it to you in the car.
We stand in line to pick up CB who is in another room for "big church." The man in front of us is holding up the line because he is picking up a young girl who has brought her McDonald's toys into church and she wants them. So the nice ladies who are there tending to every ones children have to scrounge around to find MCDONALD'S TOYS!!
So we are into Reactor Factor (The kids with parents worship session) and CB is getting restless and notices a few folks have coffee drinks and McDonald's bags. He promptly tells me he is ready for popcorn now and "Meatballs Moobie."
After church is, we have been in church (albeit in a movie theater, but church), S wants to know if we can just stay and watch the movie.
A- No, we need to get on home, we spent money yesterday.
S- Why? Can't we just stay and hide in the bathroom till everyone leaves then sneak out and go into the movie for free.
A- Sky, that is like stealing
S- Well I didn't say steal anything, I said sneak for petes sake.
A- Sky, we aren't staying, I'll explain it to you in the car.
We stand in line to pick up CB who is in another room for "big church." The man in front of us is holding up the line because he is picking up a young girl who has brought her McDonald's toys into church and she wants them. So the nice ladies who are there tending to every ones children have to scrounge around to find MCDONALD'S TOYS!!
Parents who let their children bring toys to Sunday School, Awana, and Children's Church, I HATE THAT!
An adult has spent time to prepare a good lesson for your child to learn about Christ. Now your child is disrupting the whole process with their McDonald's toys, fake cell phone, purse with gobs of crap in it, Poke-Mon cards, marbles, candy that is not enough to go around, whistles, and whatever else the parent didn't have enough gump about them to say no to their child as they were getting out of the car to go into church.
Parents who let their children bring toys to Sunday School, Awana, and Children's Church, I HATE THAT!
An adult has spent time to prepare a good lesson for your child to learn about Christ. Now your child is disrupting the whole process with their McDonald's toys, fake cell phone, purse with gobs of crap in it, Poke-Mon cards, marbles, candy that is not enough to go around, whistles, and whatever else the parent didn't have enough gump about them to say no to their child as they were getting out of the car to go into church.
It, in my opinion, is totally rude on the parents part.
Just so you know if your child is in my group in Awana and they bring crap. I take it away as soon as I see it. They get it back when they leave. If I take time to prepare, I expect a child to be respectful and pay attention. It goes just like that.
Every week CB brings Hot Wheel cars into the car on Sunday morning. Before he gets out of the car I check his pockets and Sky's too. I refuse to let my children distract others from hearing Gods word because I failed to be a big enough parent and tell them "No toys in church." If they misbehave after that, it's on their on choices not because I let them create a disrespectful to the teacher situation. The teacher there is a teacher, not a babysitter, who is supposed to keep up with your child's pockets full of toys and whatever.
Just so you know if your child is in my group in Awana and they bring crap. I take it away as soon as I see it. They get it back when they leave. If I take time to prepare, I expect a child to be respectful and pay attention. It goes just like that.
Every week CB brings Hot Wheel cars into the car on Sunday morning. Before he gets out of the car I check his pockets and Sky's too. I refuse to let my children distract others from hearing Gods word because I failed to be a big enough parent and tell them "No toys in church." If they misbehave after that, it's on their on choices not because I let them create a disrespectful to the teacher situation. The teacher there is a teacher, not a babysitter, who is supposed to keep up with your child's pockets full of toys and whatever.
Okay............sooooooo that takes care of that little rant.
But then there was this YouTube clip the Ridge Point pastor used to drive home the sermon that so touched me, I had to share it............
But then there was this YouTube clip the Ridge Point pastor used to drive home the sermon that so touched me, I had to share it............
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