....and in other news.....
I got another camera ticket. This one was not in Oak Ridge though. I got it in Farragut.
I turned right on red and totally rolled the light instead of coming to a complete stop before turning.
I knew the camera was there but must have had a brain fart and forgot. I was completely going to lie to D and not tell him but my Jiminy Cricket wouldn't let me. I tired to step on him and kill him to shut him up, but alas he was a lucky cricket.
I told on myself.
D declared me a bad driver, looked at the video link no less than 14 times, called the kids to come and watch the video for back up on his ranting about how I totally rolled the light and didn't stop, read me the Right Act some more, stated I needed to be a more aware driver, relayed I was a bad driver AGAIN and that maybe he should take my car away (but then there is always reality in the back of the mind of what that really means and therefore get to keep my car), a few more I should more carefuls, and then that was the end.
I find it's a lot easier in these situations where I am totally busted to just say, "yes.......yes.........you're right.........yes, I know, I know.........yes, tunnel vision......yes.........okay, okay.......yes, you're right.........yes."
...and then I'm usually done.
So if you, as a citizen, live near Oak Ridge or Farragut and are enjoying all of their new facilities, roads, parks, or law enforcement capabilities......please direct all of your thank you notes to me at:
Kiss The Silver Bullet's Butt
1234 Universal High Sign Rd.
Tunnel Vision, TN. 56789-1011
....as I seem to be funding most of these activities.
alrighty then........
Here's my newest pair of TOMS. I call them "From stark white to totally bright."
They were the white canvas, now they are not white canvas. These are sharpie'd and waterproofed. The problem is people think that I bought them this way and have no idea how I much time and sharpie care I put into these. However, when they ask about them I do get to elaborate. Appreciation for time and effort does come.
I like understanding......a lot.

...and then I'm usually done.
So if you, as a citizen, live near Oak Ridge or Farragut and are enjoying all of their new facilities, roads, parks, or law enforcement capabilities......please direct all of your thank you notes to me at:
Kiss The Silver Bullet's Butt
1234 Universal High Sign Rd.
Tunnel Vision, TN. 56789-1011
....as I seem to be funding most of these activities.
alrighty then........
Here's my newest pair of TOMS. I call them "From stark white to totally bright."
They were the white canvas, now they are not white canvas. These are sharpie'd and waterproofed. The problem is people think that I bought them this way and have no idea how I much time and sharpie care I put into these. However, when they ask about them I do get to elaborate. Appreciation for time and effort does come.
I like understanding......a lot.

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