Update on the car accident and continued prayer request.
G who was in the car accident Sunday, is progressing, however, he now has a blood clot. He might be in the hospital for another week or two. The step-father said he is staying with him each day until G's mother gets home from California. She had gone to a family funeral there. She might be home Friday. Cards and gifts are better than visits right now for G.
G is now in a secure area and he cannot have visitors at this time except for family. I was told that his insides are so badly bruised that he is not able to take in food because of a constriction in the bowels, so he is being fed through the veins. It may take a week or so before he is able to eat real food. He has some broken ribs and also a punctured lung.
The dad who was driving is supposed to be moved to a regular room soon. His 2 children are healing at home (they live with their grandmother).
Thank you to all the folks who emailed me to tell me they are praying for G, going to visit him, and loving him with broken hearts right along with me. I love my church family, they sustain my walk tightly............
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