I was bending down......
to look at a snake in our driveway that we ran over with the car on purpose some days ago and it was still there cause I forgot all about it till D told me he thought it was a copper head......
so I thought I should actually look at it.....
and my pants split in the crotch all the way up to my belt loop.....
The dumb pants were not even tight cause I lost some weight (PRAISE GOD) I think they had just been washed too many times cause I refuse to buy clothes till I lose some dang weight.
I was going on the premise that God made sure the sandals didn't wear out while the Hebrews were wandering in the wilderness for 40 years........
probably didn't work cause I'm not Hebrew or something......
This summer May and I found 17 four leaf clovers. Maysie actually found 2 five leaf clovers which is crazy wild to me.
I've never found a five leaf clover.
...in the picture above are clovers we found in once day! We found them in the same patch, cause you know, 4 leaf clovers are a mutation......so if you find one in a patch, chances are if you keep looking you'll find a bunch more around it. I have to say this cause it's tradition. I always tell May the reason we find so many in a patch is because "it's a mutation," to which she responds, "you ALWAYS SAY THAT! I already know it."
So I have to say it now, cause it's tradition.....
So I got a ticket in Oak Ridge last month on my way home from taking CB to get his almost knocked out tooth fixed. The idiotic camera's mounted on the red light things snapped off a picture of my car clear as a bell in two different positions, both showing my license plate clearly.
Both photographs clearly displayed my "Hard Core Jesus Freak" Harley Davidson style window decal too. They clocked me going 46 in a 35. SO STUPID they have this 4 lane in Oak Ridge that I could walk faster in than people drive. When I am driving up there I feel like I might grow a ZZ Top beard and die before I get to the dentist or pediatricians office.
So my $10 co-pay office visit now cost me $60. I am absolutely going to switch my dentists and pediatrician office to someone closer to us and that won't cause me to have undue stress and anxiety about getting a ticket for going a decent speed on a 4 lane. I read in the paper that those cameras have caught THOUSANDS of folks going higher than 35 and each has paid a minimum fine of $50. You can do the math.......somebody is not havin a cash flow problem.
You know.....about two years ago, now that I think about it I got a ticket in Oak Ridge on that same road going 55 in a 45. Right where the road starts to turn into a decent speed leaving Oak Ridge not right in town, I got pulled over I swear right in front of a 55 mile an hour sign, for doing 55 in a 45. I could have spit on the sign if I was so inclined because I was that close. It was clear idiocy to me and I hate to say it but my kids were making fun of the police officer cause he had a big fat belly with a waaaaaay too tight belt. That looked like it would pop off at a high speed and kill you if he ate just oooonnnne more donut. When he sat down he had to have been uncomfortable.
anyway......so I told D when they looked at my picture with that Jesus Freak decal on the window, I bet they said, "Hey Jesus Freak! Put the petal to the metal on this!"
CB told me today he wanted a "horsey kiss."............Hershey Kiss
I put a new train clock in CB's room. He asks me every night what time it is. I told him, "It says 10 o'clock, it's way past your bedtime."
He tells me, "No it isn't 10 o'clock, it's a-train-o'clock, now what time does it say?"
Why is it green freezy pops always make you cough???
I hate lime stuff, but I hide the green freezy pops cause they are delicious to me, but I swear every time I eat one it tickles my throat and makes me cough, it's the strangest thing.