Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Does A + B really = C? So say I, NO!!..............
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Need yer butt wiped? Don't come here cause we are done!!..........
Hi, my name is Amy and I am a recovering blog neglector.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Little Larry Lies A Lot............
Cole had his 4th birthday yesterday.
He was really sweet all day and we didn't even do anything out of the ordinary.
He started with his morning snuggle in my bed and drifted off back to sleep a bit, a total gift to me. He got up in a good mood, another gift to me. His siblings were sweet to him most of the day. Despite he hadn't had a nap, he grocery shopped peacefully.
These are the lies "Little Larry Lies A Lot"(name courtesy of Z) told for his birthday......oh I'm sorry, he "must have dreamed them."
In the bathtub - last night when I was in the bathtub, my pillow went down this drain, and it floated down to the lake and a crab ate it was a shark, he ate my pillow, and now I have a new pillow.
While reading to him before he went to bed a story about Santa riding a whale to deliver presents because all his reindeer had the flu. Who thought that not interesting tale up? I almost had to quit reading the story because it was THAT STUPID.
CB- Last Christmas I had to ride the whale with Santa cause he needed me to hold the presents on the whales back.........remember mom? You ride with me........
A- CB I totally do not remember riding a whale with you and Santa
CB- Yes, you did, you hair was long and it was blowing you shirt off
A- CB if I rode a whale with Santa and my shirt was blowing off I would remember that
CB- yeah, and I almost fall off and I hold onto you shirt and presents fall into the lake, remember?
A- Oh yeah, I remember now!! I kicked Santa right in his butt into the whale's blow hole, then I pushed you off the whale on purpose, and I pushed all the presents off cause I was tired of holding them, cause my arms were hurting, and the crab ate them, the one who ate your pillow....oh wait it was a shark and now you have a new pillow and I have a new shirt, OH YEAH! Now I remember!!
CB- .........No mom, you don't get a new shirt cause you pushed me off the whale, without my fwog(floaty preserver with a frog face on it, he wears it on the boat) and now whale can't breave cause Santa stuck in his hole.
A- .........oh.........
CB- I think I was dreaming that anyway, cause fish stink.......Mom, remember when I was little and I rode one of the fish to school?
A- No, yer done, go to sleep.
I love Cole Bear, he's my last little baby. This will be his last year at what is considered a baby age. I am trying to soak up as much snuggle time and sweet kisses while being "his girlfriend" as I can. For all the wallering around on my lap he does that makes me insane, I know the time is at hand where my lap will long for a waller session and there will be no more.
I hope we'll ride a few more whales together.
I hope I'll not wish a way the next year.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Trust me, I would hack Numa up in a hurry.........

My kids and I were discussing the book Elf on the Shelf, a book about an elf that reports back to Santa whether you have been good or bad. The thing is the book comes with an elf and you can move him around at night to different spots and the kids hunt for him or take notice the elf had moved and so forth. Some view it as a fun thing to do at Christmas, it's a fun tradition.
But my manic children and I were discussing how scary the elf looks over lunch with his eyes all glancing sideways.
We have just gotten M & Z into Alfred Hitchcock TV despite, they are in black and white they are LOVING them....scary but not too scary, just enough to get you creeped out. We had just watched the one where the little girl gets a doll, named Numa, from her uncle. The doll actually comes to life and plays with the little girl and in the end the doll takes the roll of the little girl and runs off and leaves the little girl in the form of a doll.
So Elf on the Shelf running around our house at night changing his location is creepy ;o)
M says at the lunch table- Is Elf on the Shelf real?
(uuumm, surely you are a true blonde)
A- Well, I don't know May, let's see, a stuffed skinny half cross eyed elf running around our house at night, because that makes perfect sense...
Z (spelling for Sky's sake for some reason)- P-A-R-E-N-T-S moron!
A- Let me just say this, if some stupid Numa elf was running around our house at night spying on us, I would totally hack it to pieces with a saw immediately...
They all laugh cause mind visuals of that must be funny.
May in the other room listening to Christmas toy commercials on TV for Town House Barbie
Making up her on jingle she starts singing,
"Farty Barbie
Town House Party"
......this strikes me as snickerable cause she thinks no one hears her.
Sky had to write some sentences about a sport she liked to play or watch on TV. She isn't an "outside girl" as she says. Sky determined she liked to wrestle with Z on the trampoline so she wants to be a wrestler when she grows up.
Z dubbed her the Skylinator
While we are dubbing names.....
My mom is super fun, and she is going crazy, aren't we all....but we have been calling her "Crazy Nana", instead of just Nana. What's so fun is this became the running theme this weekend while she was here. This past weekend marked the one year anniversary of my dad's passing.
She came and spent it with me, now determined more for me than for herself. Although it went well for both of us because we stayed busy and distracted one another pretty well.
On my side of the family when one does something just insane we say something like, "get off the crack" or mom loves the powders you pour into the water bottles that make flavored drinks, those are called "crack juice." Some one said something or did something you just can't believe "you must be smokin crack" or "OK, crack head" I have no idea how that got started but it has hung around a while. I do it, my sister throws it out sometimes, my brother and my mom do it.
So this weekend it got started that Nana was so crazy she was no longer Crazy Nana, she was Crack Nana. It sounds awful I know, but it was super least to us.
So we had thrown that around while dancing in the car, while shopping, eating at Pei Wei, all day Saturday.
Cole goes to church Sunday and sees a little boy and goes to introduce his Nana.......All of us standing their in our minds hoping........ hoping....... hoping .........please don't say it......
"This is my Crack Nana!"
...........He didn't say it!!! Everybody exhales and continues on merrily.......
.........walking down the hall at church, on the way to Sunday school, all of us snickering cause we didn't permanently damage CB on Saturday.
We really love our Crack Nana and totally wanted her to stay just one more day, but alas she couldn't. What could have been an awful weekend for her, she made wonderful for me.......cause she is a giver, not a taker, a character quality I adore in her.
In case you, like me, have been wondering who threw out all their trash on the side of the road and made a huge mess all in the least that is what I thought at first....
Well, just so you know, God made the mess.
The mess is really beautiful up close. I asked May to get out and see what exactly it was, thinking it was wet TP or was layers upon layers of ice. You could peel them off like an onion. They were super amazing. I got a few images here for you to look at. But my camera just wasn't doing it for me that day. I got frustrated and just decided I would would enjoy the images in my mind.........well, except for these....... you may be able to click the image and blow it up on your screen.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Chinese people wrap suckers to tight.......
I didn't teach him to be a liar, he's just a little sinner.
This is what he does.......
A- CB where are your clothes? (cause he is wearing Hulk underwear and that's it)
CB(he'll be 4 in a couple weeks) - Remember when I was little and there was a monster in my closet that would play with my trucks all night, and I had to get up and tell him to go to bed, then he would eat my clothes the monster ate my clothes off.
A- Cole Bear, that is a total lie, get some clothes on
CB- Oh yeah, I think I dreamed that
......he always says, "I was dreaming that," when we catch him telling a lie.
D cracked me up last night discussing CB telling lies saying, "Remember when I was little and I used to water ski?"...cause he comes off with stuff like this that are absurd.
Yesterday I was walking the dog in the back yard about 7:30 am, CB comes out to the back porch, I hear the door slam. I turn around from the far corner of our yard to see his little, almost naked body standing in the super windy, cool weather. It had rained the night before so it was wet.
I yelled across the yard, "COLE! Get your butt back in the house! It's cold, wet, & windy out here and you are almost naked!! Get in the house now!"
(silence).........he turns around heads into the screened porch, the door slams.....again.....then I can't see him but I hear a deep, husky throated, voice hollering back,
"MOM!! Where is your Christmas spirit?!"
I had to laugh out loud. That junk struck me as so random while dog walking at 7:30am.
CB is bringing me a Japanese sucker, one of few left that D had brought them back. As he hands the sucker to me he says, "I hate these Chinese people, they always wrapped these suckers too tight."
some random person, I can't remember who - Oh your dad brought you back a shirt and some chopsticks from Japan?
Sky - Yes and some candy and he brought mom & Maysie a housecoat (kimono's), but guess what??! Santa brought me a pink guitar from China last year. How cool is that?
This could bring on an anti-Santa rant, that talks about about how kids don't get to thank their parents for getting them the things they really love or are excited about on Christmas because we(except me apparently) have bought into the magic moment of Santa chaos.
So instead of being grateful to their parents they are grateful to a man they appreciate one day a year.....but I will spare you that.
Monday, December 7, 2009
These are so dang funny!!!!!!!!
Hip Hop version

singing version

OOPS, Ya missed'em.....cause I didn't pay for'em...they were dang funny though!!
G is for christening the church bathroom........

I did my first "lock-in" at the church this past Friday. There were 9 of us and I thought we all had a pretty good time. We had lasagna for dinner, did gingerbread houses till near midnight.....
(dirty feet from the gym floor)
did facials till 2:30 in the morning.....
(mud masks)
(mud masks still & clear cucumber peels)
(Peeling the cucumber peel mask off. We all loved this one, it was equivalent to peeling sun burned skin)
..... finally winding down at about 3:15 am for some sleep.....
(one 8th grade gal is missing cause she had to leave early)
.....then ate some french toast for breakfast and had a spiritual gifts devotional time. After all of that, it was time to head home.
We woke up to snow!
It was quiet and awesome as I rambled around at 6:30 am alone trying to get breakfast ready. I had the Christmas music playing, while the others slept away in another building.
Let me say this though, prior to enjoying my kitchen dream with snow and Christmas music.....I totally had to get up off the floor on which I was sleeping cause my hips were screaming at me to "GET UP OFF THE FLOOR!!! I WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY IF YOU LAY DOWN HERE ONE MORE MINUTE, GET UP!!!!!"
So I lifted my wretched sore body from the floor and went directly to the 8th grade girls sleeping room, got my toothbrush from Maysie's bag and christened the church bathroom sink with a wonderful 5 to 7 minute gagging session with my toothbrush.
All the stars were properly aligned after that.
It had to be done, so I could feel good in the kitchen with snow, Christmas music, and french toast.
I really had a super time. I am convinced I had just as good a time as the girls did.
I believe that I did get to know some of them better, which was the whole purpose....for us all to get to know each other better.
Laura McC (Mac) stayed with me. I hadn't spent any real time with her in about 100 years.
Probably since the baseball field, two seasons ago. In fact the last time I had seen her she was kicking me in the back cause I was begging my friend Danielle to tell me the little girl singing the National Anthem, in a blue jean jumper dress, with a long unbrushed pony tail, just killing the song........ making me want to lob my head off in a guillotine in agony of having to endure such a tragedy in the National Anthem world of singing.......I was begging Danielle to tell me the girl was not home schooled, and Laura kicked me from behind and told me to "shut it."
They shoulda just played the instrumental and left it.......
I had forgotten how funny and refreshing she is. Randy, her husband, is surely a lucky guy to get to hang out with her all the time. Randy was one of my Sparks leaders in the past. He is a great guy too; I adore them both. In my opinion, Laura made everything about the lock-in better. She is beautiful, funny, totally gets young girls and they trust her. She was absolutely hand picked by God to stay with me that night. Even though her only boy had a football banquet she wanted to attend, she stayed with me and the girls. I am more crazy about her now than I was before.
So when I finally got home around 11:30am or so on Saturday, I had a crick in my neck.
I said, I had A CRICK IN MY NECK...........uuuuuuuhh It sucked.
When I was talking to my mom on the phone, turning my head just to talk, bending to laundry, just in general trying to freakin neck screamed, "You old lady!! DON'T SLEEP ON THE FLOOR ANYMORE!!"
Tony Workman was my hero Friday cause he gave me the safety idea of double locking us into an area of the church that had a bathroom with water for facials, our own heat, and clean flooring...... I am crazy about that guy too! That was an awesome idea! It worked beautifully and I felt super safe!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I've completed the banging process............
"The 5 seconds of satisfaction we may get will bring untold misery to us for words we can never take back."
“The definition of Insanity is banging your head against the wall 1000 times expecting a different result each time.”
“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny."
“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them."
“Tears are words the heart can't express"
"Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands,
"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
“Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason"
“Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish.”
“People love others not for who they are but for how they make them feel”
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”
“You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both”
“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.”
“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.”
“Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.”
“Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.”
“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.”
“Today you are you,
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive
Who is youer than you.”
“You haven't lost your smile at all,
“In the end what matters most is
I'm in the huddle,
hands are comin in one a'top another,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I didn't even have a clue of the gift God had laid out for me as I went about my day.
..........but I surely do now.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wait! My pecker fell off...............
Things were just not right in the universe.
It's weird cause sometimes us neighbors don't get around to seeing one another as often as we would like. We travel to see our families, or have family in town or we are all just plain busy. But there are still certain comforts about being home and seeing each others lights on. I know all of my surrounding neighbors fairly well. When I am walking the dog at night and I am taking in all the stars, looking at the Milky Way and what not, I notice the neighbors lights on inside of their houses. It's a comfort to me. People I care about are in their homes, doing whatever they do at this time.
For so long Grandma Carol, as my kids call her, wasn't there. King David was there, but she wasn't with him. The first month was normal, the second month was getting not normal, the third month I believe he longed for her to come home badly........and so did I, for him....and for me too..... so my good feeling would come back on my late night walks with Jenny.
She finally made it back home a little over a week ago or so. She brought her 94 year old mom, who is sharp as a tack, to live here with her and King David. Every time I have seen her this past week I feel like I am in a dream. I love that she is home. I love that she and King David are together where they should be after more than 50 years of marriage.
All that to say, this is how I know all is well in my universe again......I put my Christmas lights up early this year. King Davids son...we'll call him The Prince, drove the two women back in the rock band tour bus.
The Prince had a grand time relaying to me it was to early to put up lights and ragging me out a bit. When May and I had almost finished it was getting late, like about 8:30 or something......
Out of the darkness what did I hear from across the way, with grand echo from the bluff and bouncing off the lake water...........but King David, The Prince, Grandma Carol, Her brother-in-law, and her 94 year old mother......singing to me,
"We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!"........laugh, laugh, laughing
SO FUN!!! Hilarious to me!!!
My universe was furry bunnies, rainbows, and pink glittery floating hearts.......
M & Z playing with some shoe inserts that one would use to make sure shoes held the proper form in the toe area.
They had them on their mouths pretending to be birds pecking one another, laughing and having a grand time trying to maintain the things on their faces while pecking one another...........they surely must have been bored.
M- peck, peck, peck,......peck, peck......OH WAIT! My pecker fell off........
(cricket cricket cricket....silence)
Z- Maysie,(laugh, laugh, laugh) don't say that (laughing, laughing and more laughing) say your beak (Laughing and more laughing).
CB kissing my cheek while I check email and giving me super sweet hugs....
CB- Mommy, you my cutie pie
Email??? What email?
M, Z, & S in the kitchen doing spelling
M- Mom is a Pedagogue a teacher?
A- I think so look it up, that's what they want you to do, if you don't know it....look it up....
Z- Pedagogue?! What kind of word is that? It sounds foul... It hurts when you get hit in the pedagogue.......
we all laugh..........
Monday, November 23, 2009
Ghetto Kindles Gone Wild, and so has my pinky......
so I hurried and jumped in the shower, hurried and dried my hair mostly, put on some lip gloss, and then so quickly put a bit of lotion on my dry face. In that order....lip gloss first like an idiot, then face lotion.....this way I was sure to smear lip gloss all over my face along with the lotion.
Oh yeah and this too......I was rubbing the lotion on my face so fast in a circular motion that my pinky finger with a stout finger nail on it, slid up my left nostril, almost to my brain and cut the inside of my nose like a knife. Instantly I felt sheer eye watering pain, that slowed my haste immediately.
Blood began to run from my nose was utter senselessness.
Who jabs their finger up their nose putting on facial lotion and bleeds like they have cut their whole nose off.
uuuuuuuhh, me.....
.....Whoever put that fool on Sesame Street musta been high.
Whoever chose to air the commercials on Fox News is a loser.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
write it on the shower door fog..........
Choice #1

"Do you have a hard time finding eco-friendly presents for loved ones? Well there is no need to get down in the dumps! Panda Poo Paper accessories are made from real droppings, gathered from Giant Pandas in China. They are 100% recyclable and don’t raise a stink… they are completely odorless!
Panda Poo Paper accessories include items such as greeting cards, scratch pads, and journals. Check it out and get your mind out of the toilet! A little potty humor never hurt a panda!"..............pure idiocy
So they are shipping this from from China. How “Eco Friendly” are products shipped from half way around the world? Wouldn't they be just as bad if not worse than say...... something made locally??
Choice #2 (no pun intended)
"Its eco-friendly paper made from recycled elephant waste fibers, includes an informational pamphlet on elephants and the making of this product" case you are to small brained to understand how elephants make poops.......
"Features "The Great Elephant Poo Poo Paper Company Design," its Acid-Free, Lignin-Free; Plain, Recycled Paper Paper" has no bearing on whether it came from poops originally......the important thing here to understand is,
that they are "acid-free."
PLUS they come in pink and blue poops colors too!!
They must feed the elephants Lucky Charms and Trix.....cause you know your body doesn't process all that dye and those cereals will turn your poops bright green or some wicked unnatural color. It's true. Once my mother-in-law called me to the room to see Sky's poops in the toilet because she had eaten Lucky charms at her house, cause I don't by that crap at my house, cause my people only eat the charms........anyway the poops was neon green, I swear. I shoulda scraped it out and made some cards with it.....who freakin knew it would be so earth friendly to do that........
I am crazy about elephants, penguins & turtles right now....but come on.
If you just can't get enough poops
here's the web link
to get the real scoops
cheesy pun intended......
The Droodle Waterproof Notepad.....
"It works great! It's a great way to leave love notes to your spouse if you share bathrooms as we do. Also great way to memorize scripture verses. Thank you." - Guy Cangelosi (tape the scripture on yer mirror dude, read it when you dry yer dumb hair)
....says the testimony on the site for this must have total waste of cash.
Who freaking just cannot wait till they get out of the dumb shower to write a note. I know we all get thoughts in the shower. But really...... isn't life busy enough without multitasking in the shower.
I mean, women already have to condition our hair while we shave. We have to scrub & exfoliate our faces while we rinse out the conditioner, while trying not to step on Hot Wheels. Now we are supposed to read a love note from our spouse too......eeesh, it's too much.
If D needs to leave me a note, let him write it on the shower door fog and when it re-fogs up when I take a shower I will read then.....its free.
They also suggest you can use it at the pool..........whatever.
Cause when have you ever been swimming, having a great time, and whipped your notepad out of your sewn in underwear in your bathing suit....only to find it was wet. DANG!! If you'd only had The Droodle.
Went to see Handel's Messiah with Sarah at Farragut Presbyterian Church. It was beautiful. The UT Chamber Singers & UT Chorale mixed with Presb. church choir and the UT Orchestra, simply fab!!!! Then we went for some Starbucks. It was a super way to kick off the holiday season.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
its Free Day at the zoo, not Get Freaky Day at the zoo
We walked our fool butts off. Last year we went and it was sort of showering on and off, but not to bad and we parked fairly close. I knew it would be bad this year when we were driving down the highway and 10 miles before the zoo exit traffic was backed up.
D used the GPS my mom & dad bought him for Christmas last year. He was able to get us around it by going through some neighborhoods which was slammin and we went right in. But we still had to park in Kentucky and walk......
We did managed to catch a trolley on the way there. Walking back after we had walked for about 7 hours was not super fun.
The whole day was nice though (well tell about in a minute) cause we had absolutely nothing else to do on such a beautiful it was DANG FREE!! We were able to see the elephants closer than we ever had before.
Here is my list of "uuughs" about the day...
1. Despite not being deterred by all the traffic and crowd, CB had his butt on his shoulders as if he needed a nap as soon as we got out of the car. He started to jump up and down and throw a fit about riding in the stroller. We had packed a cooler with lunches, drinks, & snacks for the 7 of us that went, cause I wasn't thinkin about takin out a loan to feed us all. The intent was to push the heavy, callapsable cooler and then let CB ride after lunch when he'd be good and tired. No.... Whiny Butt Mcgoo (maybe we'll call him WB instead of CB) decided he wanted to ride and without asking nicely, throws himself on the muddy ground and acts like a moron. I had to pop his butt right off the bat to check his attitude about asking me politely for things.
2. We get in and the butterfly exhibit is closed CB wants to go in despite the doors are locked and me trying to tell him there are no butterflies in the exhibit. The exhibit can be clearly seen from the outside and he can see there are no people in the exhibit and he acts like a moron, the sequel, he is spouting off at me & disrespecting me blatantly.
So I calmly tell D to take the others on and I will catch up cause I plan to take him to the bathroom and spank his butt. He knows this and starts kicking his feet and screaming making a huge scene, pinching my hip. So I basically stop and pop his hand well and tell him to settle his butt down immediately or he and I WILL LEAVE the zoo with a quickness. He knows I am telling the truth cause I am really good with the follow thru, and since its free day I won't loose a dime if we leave. He and I have a good come to Jesus talk and he straightens his butt up for the rest of the day.....mostly
So later, near the elephants I see another mom pop her kid on the hand, basically for smart mouthing her and jerking away while she was speaking....the kid in my opinion needed his hand popped. But I thought it looked bad. I thought I must have looked bad to another parent, even though CB was obviously needing a butt whoopin. I felt suckish about how that went down.
Parenting is the hardest job EVER!!
3. We were coming close to the end of our day and SB, M & I are heading over to Kids Cove.
D had taken all the other kids over there while we looked at some Spanish Alligator or something. It was totally a regular alligator small version. So we 3 amigos are on our way.... out of the corner of my eye I see two men kissy kissy with each other holding hands waiting to get in the men's bathroom line. The one guy is younger, heavy set, bleach blonde spiked hair and he has them big'ol hole things in his ears. You know.... the kind you can see through their ears cause the holes are so big. His friend is significantly older with graying hair, much slimmer & shorter than the young guy. I am appalled.....cause kids and families are every where.
So here is my wanna be gay, be gay, fine, whatever. I swear, all day long I was at the zoo and did not see one heterosexual couple playing kissy kissy with each other. There were young couples, older couples, family aged couples....and so forth. In general it seemed, peeps were there to view animals on a beautiful day. I was discouraged by these two guys going on like they were in the privacy of their home. As a hetero couple D and I do not get freaky in public. I may kiss him goodbye occasionally, that's a quick peck and I'm off. These two guys weren't the quick peck if you get my drift.
So glad I didn't have Sky with me.......So glad M & SB didn't see it. Answering questions about sexual orientation or behavior is not what I came to the zoo to do.
Its Free Day at the zoo, not Get Freaky Day at the zoo.......
I love this picture......
Some folks got to feed the giraffe, super cool, I thought....
The heart shoe expresses that I am "covered by a love divine, child of the risen Lord, my heart is Spoken For"......(Mercy Me, Christian band)
The other shoe is..... just me. I like birds, trying to constantly attain peace, so I added Chinese characters, best I could, for the words that are important to me. The characters for faith were too difficult so I opted out of that one.
Sooooo, my(white) Nike's are now really My Nike's.........
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I just need a straw and a boat ..................
Twas the day before Wednesday
And all through the house,
Not a creature was dressed
With even a blouse
All the children were snug in winter pajamas galore
Hiding from mom so as not to do chores
The rain had made them lazy as sloths
My coffee had lost all but a spit of its froth
I threw on some clothing
In a hurry I did!
To Kroger, To Kroger I announced
To each kid
They shouted to me,
"No, no, we shall not go,
Leave at once or we'll step on your toe"
I left them, I did, determined to shop
At Kroger, in peace,
Oh what a grand thought
Past the Starbucks I ushered myself
To stick to the list and not buy the
Whole fresh flower shelf
I grabbed at organics,
And delved through the meats
I picked up family size
Of all sorts of treats
As I came to the dairy
My heart did but drop
I saw my true love right there in its spot
He called to me in his black and gold dress
"Pick me, take me, savour me I stress
I have been waiting for you
For 9 whole days
Hoping and waiting for you
To catch my gaze"
I ran to him, snatched him, I will not pretend
So crazy I was I grabbed two of his friends
You are mine! You are mine! So patiently I waited
I knew I would see you on the date Kroger fated
Oh Southern Comfort brand Egg Nog,
I love you I do!
I am yours, you are mine...
And two of your friends are too!!
The four of us we'll be happy together
We’ll sip and we'll gulp
Through all the cold weather
I'll try hard to maintain control
I will hide you from Zac
Who tries to drink you from a bowl
I'll not share with Sky
Who will surely fake cry
But I shall not give in
Even if she plucks the three hairs
On my chinny, chin, chin
Oh Egg Nog I am so glad you came back
This holiday season I thought I might crack
The smooth taste on my tongue,
The sweet slide down my throat,
Just need a straw and a boat
So that I might float
On the Great Nog Moat
You have brought in my holiday
You have brought me great gladness
I will not allow my scale
To weigh in with its sadness
Egg Nog season is officially OPEN!!