Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wait! My pecker fell off...............

Grandma Carol, King David's wife, had been gone for 3 months.

Things were just not right in the universe.

It's weird cause sometimes us neighbors don't get around to seeing one another as often as we would like. We travel to see our families, or have family in town or we are all just plain busy. But there are still certain comforts about being home and seeing each others lights on. I know all of my surrounding neighbors fairly well. When I am walking the dog at night and I am taking in all the stars, looking at the Milky Way and what not, I notice the neighbors lights on inside of their houses. It's a comfort to me. People I care about are in their homes, doing whatever they do at this time.

For so long Grandma Carol, as my kids call her, wasn't there. King David was there, but she wasn't with him. The first month was normal, the second month was getting not normal, the third month I believe he longed for her to come home badly........and so did I, for him....and for me too..... so my good feeling would come back on my late night walks with Jenny.

She finally made it back home a little over a week ago or so. She brought her 94 year old mom, who is sharp as a tack, to live here with her and King David. Every time I have seen her this past week I feel like I am in a dream. I love that she is home. I love that she and King David are together where they should be after more than 50 years of marriage.

All that to say, this is how I know all is well in my universe again......I put my Christmas lights up early this year. King Davids son...we'll call him The Prince, drove the two women back in the rock band tour bus.

The Prince had a grand time relaying to me it was to early to put up lights and ragging me out a bit. When May and I had almost finished it was getting late, like about 8:30 or something......

Out of the darkness what did I hear from across the way, with grand echo from the bluff and bouncing off the lake water...........but King David, The Prince, Grandma Carol, Her brother-in-law, and her 94 year old mother......singing to me,

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!"........laugh, laugh, laughing

SO FUN!!! Hilarious to me!!!

My universe was furry bunnies, rainbows, and pink glittery floating hearts.......



M & Z playing with some shoe inserts that one would use to make sure shoes held the proper form in the toe area.

They had them on their mouths pretending to be birds pecking one another, laughing and having a grand time trying to maintain the things on their faces while pecking one another...........they surely must have been bored.

M- peck, peck, peck,......peck, peck......OH WAIT! My pecker fell off........

(cricket cricket cricket....silence)


Z- Maysie,(laugh, laugh, laugh) don't say that (laughing, laughing and more laughing) say your beak (Laughing and more laughing).


CB kissing my cheek while I check email and giving me super sweet hugs....

CB- Mommy, you my cutie pie

Email??? What email?



M, Z, & S in the kitchen doing spelling

M- Mom is a Pedagogue a teacher?
A- I think so look it up, that's what they want you to do, if you don't know it....look it up....
Z- Pedagogue?! What kind of word is that? It sounds foul... It hurts when you get hit in the pedagogue.......

we all laugh..........

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