......What time is it? 8:00am. I have to leave the house here in 15 minutes at the latest. She still isn't up...
If I am really quiet, I can sneak into her room, she won't even know it (the 3rd Twilight book, Eclipse) is missing, I'll put it back before she realizes the book is gone, since she only reads at night surely I am good to go.....quietly.....need to miss the cracking boards in the hallways......no movement yet in her room......really quiet and slowly take the book off the bedside table.....easy....easy.........almost.......
YOU GOT IT! now quietly wa........
A- Aaawww May...Really?? I am going to be at the doctors office for 5 HOURS!!! Can't you just let me take it with me for the endless hours I will have to wait?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
M- NO! You're not taking it! Put it back!
A- May, Pleeeease, don't make me sit there for 5 hours with NOTHING TO DO...I will only read 3 chapters and I will stop, I swear.....
M- No you won't, I know you, you won't stop, get out Mom, I am not going to let you take it, no.....
A- May!... (I am almost ready to stomp my feet in protest for her unreasonable attitude)
A- I am so angry with you, why are you being so crazy like this (when in reality if I had only took a pause, it was me behaving crazy......I mean. I am begging my 13 year old to borrow a dang book, not just begging, but pleading)?
A-FINE, I will just take my butt to the Walmart and buy my own books. I swear I will... since you won't share with me (I threaten, as if she cares).
M- I will share with you when I am done. I will give it to you, not till then, cause you'll read ahead of me and be all in my room reading all day and it's a distraction. If you can just wait, then you can have it. Just be patient.
A- (I assess her book mark and realize I am not going to get the book for at least 3 or 4 more days with her only reading at night and by then I will have had some type of Twilight DT's or something and I felt a smothering sensation, like I might never get the book.) FINE!! May, you are being so mean to me.....
M- (she smiles, with her hair all a morning mess) Get out of my room, you have a Twilight problem that I can't help you with.....
So I stomp out of her room, grab my car keys, kiss the appropriate children goodbye for the morning, eyeing the room for evidence they have eaten their breakfast....and make a plan to drive straight to Walmart with the extra 10 minutes I was going to sit in the waiting room and buy those darn books!! I would never have to ask her for one of hers again. So there, put that in yer pipe and smoke it.
That's what I did.
When I had Eclipse & Breaking Dawn in my hands walking out the Wally World door, Edward, Bella, and I were all furry bunnies & rainbows & floating, glittering pink hearts, I think I heard some harps playing in the background.......
.......no it was this for sure......
I punched my car door unlocked with with voracity and smirked the full 50 seconds it took me to get to the Doctors office from Walmart.
Eclipse was ON! I swallowed 4 chapters whole in the doctors office that morning.
Within three days May was done with her book and started Breaking Dawn, she passed Eclipse onto Zac with some half cocked effort to appease me. Knowing that I had told her he could read my book when I finished which was not to far after her.
I started Breaking Dawn late last week. Finished it last night.
I do for sure have a Twilight problem. I am 100% sure I need an intervention or a 12 step recovery plan implemented immediately.
We all watched the first movie on the Netflix. We all hated it at first cause it skipped so many details. But for some unknown reason May and I felt compelled to watch the dang thing at least 12 more times before we sent it back.......only then to later buy the soundtrack which M, Z, & I all have slammed onto our MP3's immediately.
Rock and roll with violin & heavy drums is a terrific draw for both Z and I in all things music......we're addicted to the music.
May and I listened to the soundtrack in the car knowing exactly which music went with which scenes. We happily reminisced what about each of those scenes was our favorite and least favorite. This session lasted until we had listened to the whole CD. It's a sickness......
I have no idea what I shall do with my reading time now. I am kinda glad I am done so I can gain some of my parenting self respect back.
Last night, at 2:15 am, as I laid the thick, black matted, hard cover(cause Z & I hate the paper covers, we take them off), 760 page, Breaking Dawn book on Zac's steps as a surprise, cause he has finished Eclipse now & was waiting on me....... barely in control of his own self.......I felt good.....and tired.
We'll see how I last over the next couple of days....maybe if I watch the movie some more, I won't start rereading the first book........just to get a fix....
A- uuummm........Hi,......I'm Amy(insert excited nervous tention)........and I have a Twilight addiction.....
Support Group - HHiiiii Amy........
Within three days May was done with her book and started Breaking Dawn, she passed Eclipse onto Zac with some half cocked effort to appease me. Knowing that I had told her he could read my book when I finished which was not to far after her.
I started Breaking Dawn late last week. Finished it last night.
I do for sure have a Twilight problem. I am 100% sure I need an intervention or a 12 step recovery plan implemented immediately.
We all watched the first movie on the Netflix. We all hated it at first cause it skipped so many details. But for some unknown reason May and I felt compelled to watch the dang thing at least 12 more times before we sent it back.......only then to later buy the soundtrack which M, Z, & I all have slammed onto our MP3's immediately.
Rock and roll with violin & heavy drums is a terrific draw for both Z and I in all things music......we're addicted to the music.
May and I listened to the soundtrack in the car knowing exactly which music went with which scenes. We happily reminisced what about each of those scenes was our favorite and least favorite. This session lasted until we had listened to the whole CD. It's a sickness......
I have no idea what I shall do with my reading time now. I am kinda glad I am done so I can gain some of my parenting self respect back.
Last night, at 2:15 am, as I laid the thick, black matted, hard cover(cause Z & I hate the paper covers, we take them off), 760 page, Breaking Dawn book on Zac's steps as a surprise, cause he has finished Eclipse now & was waiting on me....... barely in control of his own self.......I felt good.....and tired.
We'll see how I last over the next couple of days....maybe if I watch the movie some more, I won't start rereading the first book........just to get a fix....
A- uuummm........Hi,......I'm Amy(insert excited nervous tention)........and I have a Twilight addiction.....
Support Group - HHiiiii Amy........
I think you need to get a grip on this whole go out and buy duplicate books because I can’t wait my turn for Maysie to finish her book. That’s the problem with people these days; everyone thinks they have to have everything right now without waiting. Read your own dang books that you received for Christmas and when the children finish the series you will have your chance! You’re starting to sound like big government heck with cutting back I’ll just spend my way out of recession and go out and buy the same books my daughter has because I’m too impatient. Yes you do have a problem lady and I don’t know if 12 steps are enough!
hhhhmmmmm......yes, coming from the man who just randomly bought two sleds because of two days of snow fun. Thanks for doing your part to help the economy also. Gotcha!
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