Monday, February 1, 2010

MOVE, MOVE, MOVE JENNY!!!! MOVE!!.........

For the snow I mowed an area of undeveloped land near us.....and then we waited very patiently.

To me this serves as an unofficial salute to the Olympic Winter Games....

Here's some short clips to soothe the curious minds............

Z gettin a good long run....all the way around our house!!

Z almost hitting our dog going mock 10,
cause she is so diva'd out she won't move...
filmed from the bottom of the hill this time

These next two are of D, the first one he is seriously moving coming down......

This one is CB going solo. This was his 3rd or 4th run. I couldn't believe he wanted to go alone. But he did, and had a ball! On his second run he rode to the front yard, ran into a bush and knocked his boot off and got up saying, "Wicked!"

(This video quality is not that great I had to tweak it a bit cause I screwed up recording it.)

D & S

M & CB

M Solo

Last but not least is Sky going solo....and hitting D's gas grill, she was perfectly fine ;oD

We call this video "TURN!!"

It's your turn. Take a ride with me..... I shot this one while riding down by myself. The first time I totally oversteered(if that's a word) myself into the field, which is why I kept saying, "that was much better"....

"100% chance of smiles" :oD


Sandi said...

What A GREAT run you guys created...I had no idea! You are making memories that will stick with your kids for the rest of their lives. It's quite touching, and brings back some memories of my own:) Loooove the last clip where you take us on the sled ride!!! Just a thought, you'll have to blog about what you did with with no electricity!!!

Linear Heritage of Women said...

I couldn't stop smiling throughout all these videos. What fun!!!

The Rare Amylesaurus said...

D played flashlight hide and seek with the kids. The girls were in the middle of Easy Bake Oven cooking...soooooo D tried to help them finish by rigging up some candle, baking didn't work. So they just ate the dough raw. ;oD