...but May on the other hand ran with the theme in another absurd direction that was funny to the rest of us...
M (insert creepy Vincent Price type voice) - And then baby Jesus was born (insert evil villain laugh). A ghost in the night told the wise men to "fear not" and led them to the manger. There they dressed baby Jesus in a bumble bee costume and took him trick or treating.
One day I had served chicken and stars soup, minus the soup so it was just the stars mostly, for lunch to Cole. The kids began to discuss how he wasn't even chewing the stars, just swallowing hole mouthfuls. The discussion then led to any foods that went in your attic and came out of your basement in the same shape, just isn't good and right....like corn for example.
M- I suppose those stars will come out as stars then?
Z- yes
M imitates CB on the pot - Oh look, stars!! I get to make a wish now! I wish I could go to Dollywood (insert flushing sound) I wish Netflix was free! (flush, flush)
....and so on in this manner....
(insert When You Wish Upon a Star song)
When you wish your poop goodbye, down the toilet it will flyyyy...
B.o.B. song while staring into the toilet
"like airplanes in the night sky, like shooting stars.....I could really use a wish right now"
grunting and pushing noises.....Wow!! I got a lot of wishes this time!!
flush, flush..."It's like the Milky Way!"
"That tasted out of this world. I am so full, I feel like I ate the universe."
(Steve C. I put this one in here for you :oD )
Doing biology one day with May, Z overhears a conversation about mushrooms being asexual....
Z- It's just awkward....mushroom sex
M- Yeah, well, just be glad you don't have to have "the mushroom sex talk." Once while down at the dock, I saw two mushrooms getting a little too heavy on the top end, if you know what I mean...
A- MAY! That's enough...
M- (serious voice) I'm just sayin....I said to them "Get a shroom , why don't ya?!".....I mean they have to consider the baby birds for petes sake.
We laugh a little..
Z- There are those penis mushrooms that sprout in our flower bed with the mulch.
A- OOOkay, that's stinkhorn, we are done with this conversation. I am uncomfortable with mushroom sex talk.
M- One time these two dragon flies landed on Sky and she was all, " Hey May, look at the two dragonflies on me...they are stuck together. Should I try to pull them apart?"
Z & A snicker a little
M- I was, "No!" then I swatted them away saying, not in front of the children!
A- May....
M- Just sayin....some bonds weren't made to be broken...
Z laughs, cause he always laughs at her jokes.
A- May.....
M- ...there were those two grasshoppers on top of a mushroom that time too. I swear it's like Sodom and Gomorrah around here.
Z still chuckling though trying not to pay attention to her.
A- May, yer done.
M- I'm just sayin....
1 comment:
Once again, I have laughed till I cried! I love your family!
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