Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I had to put duct tape over Jamie Oliver's mouth........

Sky had this doll when she was toddling around, named Mary. It was a "Groovy Girl." It was actually May's but Sky took the doll over... why? Because she always threw up on it. Since Sky threw up on it so much, the dolls new name was "Vomit Mary."

All Sky's life she has been a gagger, she's got a serious gag reflex. So we have always called her "Vomit Mary" when she is going through a gag and spit up phase.

Getting ready to take Sky to the doctor.....

A- May, I thought you might want to get out of the house since you have been stuck here with Sky on and off while I take Z to soccer.

M- Going to the doctor....oh yay....I guess I could go though......and hold the bucket for Vomit Mary.

S- Hey! I am sittin right here ya know?!

A- I will buy you a Starbucks or something, to make it worth it.


A- Sky, what do you want for breakfast this morning?

S- hhmm, how about 3 pills, a pump, and some dry toast.


I have been wacthin Jamie Oliver Food Revolution. I am crazy about Jamie Oliver and his plaid shirts. He's a cool guy. So then this........

M- What is wrong with these quesodillas?

A- Nothing.

CB- They taste funny, Mom.

A- No they don't. They taste exactly the same, just a different color. Eat them.

Z-(from another room somewhere) Yes they are different! She's been watchin Jamie Oliver. Now she is on a food revolution.....that is one of Dad and Sky's healthy tortilla's!

M- Well I hate this, it taste like card board.

CB- Yeah!! I don't wike it either mom! Can I have some candy?

A- No, that is what is wrong with you all, you eat crappy unhealthy white food.

M - Yeah, well...Dad has diabetes and then there is Vomit Mary...and they eat the healthiest foods.


...in the Walmart one day at about 2:30 pm with Sky and CB after having went to the doctor and literally running all over hell and creation looking for one pharmacy that could fill one single prescription between Oak Ridge and Lenoir City..... we were "starving" cause I had one single cup of coffee that morning before running out the door at 8:00 am, Cole had 1 piece of toast and a cup of milk, and Vomit Mary had pills, pumps, and Sprite......

In delirium the kids are wearing me down for some powdered donuts.

Vomit Mary says....She is going to throw it up anyway so...."Why not eat something that at least taste good going down." I feel like in some distorted version in my mind that ....that makes sense.

I get the donuts.

So we get to the car I give her a diet, caffeine free Dr. Pepper and 3 powdered donuts...same for Cole....same for me.

I think about Jamie Oliver and how he would be going nuts on me. Is that delirium or what? After relentless nights without sleep and madness of the mind in chaos at the house.....I am having visions of Jamie Oliver scolding me in the Walmart parking lot.

so then.........

After being slaughtered at the soccer game last night, in what felt like 95 degree heat, my boys are "starving"..........

CB-(whining) Mom, I hungry I wanna go to Phonics.....(Sonics)

A- Sky can't eat Phonics, we'll pick up some Dice (Domino's, cause the sign looks like dice, when Z was little he called it Dice) cause then we can just scrape off all the cheese for Sky.

I had to put duct tape over Jamie Oliver's mouth, put him in my pocket and start over this morning.

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